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Currently reading

The Lonely Sea: Collected Short Stories
Alistair MacLean
Her Benny
Silas K. Hocking
Vedere din Parfumerie
Silvia Kerim
Mysticism and Logic (Western Philosophy)
Bertrand Russell
The Analects of Confucious
Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking
William James
Does Anything Eat Wasps?: And 101 Other Unsettling, Witty Answers to Questions You Never Thought You Wanted to Ask
New Scientists Books Staff, New Scientist
Mutual Aid
Pyotr Kropotkin
City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
Olivia Fraser, William Dalrymple
The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

A Case of Curiosities

A Case of Curiosities - Allen Kurzweil I must have been a sucker for confidence and efficiency in an author's voice at one time, because, like The Caveman's Valentine, this is another case of a book where technical details were secondary to the overall wisdom of the author's editorial decisions and worldview. Can't be more explicit without reading it again and perhaps not even then.