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Bartleby, the Scrivener

Bartleby, the Scrivener - Herman Melville I feel guilty not giving this a five. I recently used Bartleby as a write-in candidate in a poll for U.S. president, based strictly on his reputation of saying "I prefer not to..."

I prefer not to tell you one spurious claim about Bartleby's "problem", this time on Wikipedia, since the theory mixes up cause and effect.

Bartleby is a lot like a spokesman for the information age -- a clerk bored into deadly complancency/indifference, his will too strongly exercised on trivial things.

If Mike Judge, the creator of "Office Space" didn't read this, he didn't need to, since it's the kind of lassitude every office worker immediately recognizes.

I've deducted one star because Bartleby's final contemptuous words to the narrator showed that he harbored some contrarian willpower that seemed missing in all previous and final acts. Even if the narrator is emotionally ignorant, what hint is the reader offered?