23 Following


Currently reading

The Lonely Sea: Collected Short Stories
Alistair MacLean
Her Benny
Silas K. Hocking
Vedere din Parfumerie
Silvia Kerim
Mysticism and Logic (Western Philosophy)
Bertrand Russell
The Analects of Confucious
Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking
William James
Does Anything Eat Wasps?: And 101 Other Unsettling, Witty Answers to Questions You Never Thought You Wanted to Ask
New Scientists Books Staff, New Scientist
Mutual Aid
Pyotr Kropotkin
City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi
Olivia Fraser, William Dalrymple
The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
August 2016
started following:
August 2016
reviewed: Taras Bulba
As a literary work? Short, fast, and very entertaining. But that's not what makes it great. Its greatness rests in its inspir...
Taras Bulba - Nikolai Gogol, D.J. Hogarth
finished reading:
July 2016
reviewed: Just One Catch: A Biography of Joseph Heller
I started skimming this for 30 minutes, just as I was leaving a library in Croatia. Other reviews tell me there's a good deal...
Just One Catch: A Biography of Joseph Heller - Tracy Daugherty
July 2016
reviewed: Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood (Works)
There should really be a Freudian party game. Name the first animal, vegetable, and sexual position that come to your mind. A...
Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood (Works) - Sigmund Freud, James Strachey
July 2016
reviewed: Physicians
This rare find was an utter relief after reading endless, labored "humour" and folk tales. I can't say that modern humour or...
Physicians - Henry Denker
July 2016
reviewed: Tortilla Flat
At least I can thank this book's financial success for inspiring the exceptional sequel "Cannery Row", many years later. I'd ...
Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck
reviewed: Amintiri din copilărie
This worked a lot better than I'd expected. I bought it in Suceava, Romania because the bookstore employee told me it was "ve...
Amintiri din copilărie - Ion Creangă
reviewed: The English Neighbour
This was a hot mess. I barely finished it, although there was a strange hour when it seemed like a work of genius compared to...
The English Neighbour - Mikhail Veshim
reviewed: The Pig Scrolls
This had a seemingly spectacular opening, alive with concepts, but all too quickly trailed off into tedious adventure, especi...
The Pig Scrolls - Paul Shipton
July 2016
reviewed: Port of Call
Picked this up initially because it was written about a port, while I am "docked" as it were in some kind of beach port. But...
Port of Call - John Morrison
finished reading:
June 2016
reviewed: History of Ukraine
Sometimes it helps to see just how badly a country's intellectuals describe their own history. This was originally published ...
History of Ukraine - Yuriy Aleksieiev
May 2016
reviewed: Horribly Hilarious Joke Book (Horrible Histories)
No one gets enough credit for inventing a good joke, but here we have evidence of half a dozen original but highly specific y...
Horribly Hilarious Joke Book (Horrible Histories) - Terry Deary, Martin Brown
reviewed: The Royal Readers
I have no idea how common these little readers were, in schools or wherever, although I do know that Thomas Nelson was recent...
The Royal Readers - Nelson Thomas and Sons
finished reading:
May 2016
reviewed: The English: Are They Human?
There is a (culturally) very telling scene in one Austin Powers movie, written by a man whose father is, I believe, British. ...
The English: Are They Human? - Gustaaf Johannes Renier
reviewed: Julie of the Wolves
A friend at university had a comic book with one of the world's greatest titles: "Beautiful stories for ugly children." Here ...
Julie of the Wolves - Jean Craighead George, John Schoenherr
finished reading:
finished reading: